Leighton Andrews AM
 Minister for Public Services


25 September 2015

Request for additional information on Community Support Officers


Dear Minister,

Thank you for attending our meeting on 24 September 2015 to give evidence in relation to the Committee’s Legacy Inquiry. Following that session, Members agreed that I should write to ask you to clarify the following —

·         the number of additional Community Support Officers (‘CSOs’) that have been deployed as a result of Welsh Government funding; and

·         the total number of CSOs in Wales now compared with before the allocation of Welsh Government funding.

It would be helpful if you could include the source of any statistics that you provide.

In addition, the Committee would like you to provide a further response to the concern that CSOs funded by the Welsh Government are replacing those who are no longer in post as a result of cuts in Home Office funding.

I look forward to an early response from you.

Yours sincerely,

Christine Chapman AC / AM

Cadeirydd / Chair